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Revisiting an architectural project - steam boat Golden Eagle #architecturalpreservation #hellerconservationservices #historicpreservation

Dawn will be working on wallpaper this week at The Hermitage in Nashville. #historicwallpaper #hellerconservationservices #7thPresident

Zuber wallpaper conservation. #hellerconservationservices #paperconservation #historicwallpaper #historicpreservation

Zuber wallpaper conservation. #hellerconservationservices #paperconservation #historicwallpaper #historicpreservation

circa 1800-1820 four-part dining table. Possibly colonial made - British Honduras. Honduran rosewood 138 x 53 x 28 inches. French-polished and hardware polished. Asking $15,000

Inner tubes are useful for clamping curved surfaces. #hellerconservationservices #furnitureconservation #artconservation #furnituretepair

Removal of acidic backing board from damaged late 19th century drawing. A very slow and painstaking process using a scalpel. #hellerconservationservices #worksofartonpaper #paperconservation #artconservation #historicdocument

Another frame improperly packed for shipping. The white - gesso- areas are complete restorations of original ornament #hellerconservationservices #giltframeconservation #insuranceclaims #artconservation #frameconservation

All white areas -gesso- had to be completely restored as a result of total loss from improper shipping. #hellerconservation #gildedframeconservation #insuranceclaim #artconservation #frameconservation #hellerconservationservices

Restored dressing table now installed in Belmont Mansion Nashville attributed to J &JW Meeks, New York circa 1850’s. belmontmansion #furniturerestoration #furnitureconservation #artconservation #hellerconservationservices #rococorevival

It’s important to save all the parts. #hellerconservationservices #gildedframerepair #gildedframeconservation #frameconservation #restoration #conservation

Anglo-Indian 19th century ebony and specimen veneer table. #hellerconservationservices #furnitureconservation

Music Hall Cincinnati - panels from the 19th century Hook and Hastings organ. Carved by William and Henry Fry, Ben Pitman and their female students. Installation of extant restored original panels in Music Hall. #musichallcincinnati #architecturalconservation #architecturalrestoration #hellerconservationservices #artcarvedfurniture

another great collaborative effort from years ago with Cathy Coho textile and historic upholstery conservation. #historicupholstery #furnitureconservation #hellerconservationservices #Franklininstitute

recalling a wonderful collaborative effort with Cathy Coho, textile and upholstery conservator, Nancy Britton,upholstery conservator, Anne Gossen, Morven Curator and Karl Kusserow, Princeton curator. #historicupholstery #furnitureconservation #hellerconservationservices #morvenmuseum #EliasBoudinot

A burst pipe in an upstairs bathroom in 2023 resulted in severe water damage to 19th century wallpaper installed in the sitting room at the Ames Plantation in Grand Junction, TN. The wallpaper, titled The Grande Chasse by Francois Delicourt was printed in Paris c.1851.. It is one of only 4 known installations of this paper in the world. Dawn Heller of Heller Conservation Services LLC carried out conservation treatment to reattach lifting areas of paper, consolidate unstable paint, and restore paint losses to improve the appearance. #historicwallpaper #historicpreservation #hellerconservationservices #historicproperties #historictennessee

#architecturalwoodwork #historicwoodwork #hellerconservationservices carved pilaster sample in mahogany